Awakening Your Divine Blueprint: An Introduction to Resonance Alchemy
Discover the Next Leap in Energy Healing!
Your Instructor
Katherine Parker is an internationally acclaimed spiritual healer, author and the visionary founder of Resonance Alchemy, a profound new system of transformational energy medicine.
Katherine has been passionately engaged in the fields of holistic health and transpersonal psychology for 35 years. Prior to founding Resonance Alchemy, Katherine had a private practice in Denver, CO as a certified massage therapist, astrological counselor and transpersonal therapist.
Hello, and welcome to Awakening Your Divine Blueprint ~ I’m Katherine Parker, the founder and developer of Resonance Alchemy. If you have been drawn to take this course, you are most likely already on a very special and important journey, a journey of healing, awakening and empowering the highest aspects of your being.
My intention in this course is to assist you on this journey.
Through the powerful techniques Resonance Alchemy offers, you will be clearing limiting and outmoded patterns and beliefs, and getting to know yourself in ways you may never have imagined. You will be expanding your perception of reality and of who you are in that reality. You will be learning ways to use frequency and thought vibration for healing, clearing energy blockages and awakening your Divine Blueprint.
On this shared journey through the new techniques and concepts of Resonance Alchemy I recommend you take nothing with you, except for your curiosity, willingness to learn and grow and a healthy dose of “I’m game to try it and find out if it works!” I trust you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Ready to get started?
I invite you to join me.
Get started now!
“The key to freedom and self-realization is learning to hear and understand the language of the heart."
~ Katherine Parker
Resonance Alchemy is a unique system of transformational energy medicine. This higher dimension vibrational healing system is based on the understanding that all living things coexist in a unified and intelligent field of matter, energy and spirit .
This introduction to Resonance Alchemy includes simple energy medicine and meditation techniques you can use to transform your life, accelerate your spiritual evolution and awaken to the joy and aliveness of your true nature.
In this introductory class, taught by founder Katherine Parker, you will learn:
- How to activate the potential of your multidimensional energy system and divine blueprint
- The power of “inner sound” and the use of universal sacred seed syllables to balance, tune and raise your vibrational state
- Techniques to transform negative emotions and help you maintain a positive mental and emotional attitude
- Opening your Heart to greater coherence and unconditional love
- Developing your intuition and higher knowing
- Clearing fear, shame and guilt patterns from your subconscious and DNA
- How to build and maintain a strong and grounded energy field
- Creating Sacred Space in your home or office with the RA Cosmic Creation Codes
- A powerful 7-step process for transforming all areas of your life
Course includes nearly 10 hours of pre-recorded video lessons divided into four modules, plus video demonstrations, guided meditations, handouts and supporting material.
Get started now!
Course Details
This course is an invitation to begin to see the world from the miraculous perspective of frequency and vibration.
Learn how you can master living from that perspective in a way that is healing, empowering, and liberating.
Whether you use Resonance Alchemy to add to your skills for healing others, or use it for your own personal healing and spiritual awakening, you will find tools for unwrapping your inner gifts and unlocking the greatest version of who you truly are.
MODULE ONE: Getting to know the territory
What you will learn:
- What makes Resonance Alchemy different from other healing and transformational systems.
- The Kum Vita sacred syllables - using these Master Resonance Keys for meditation and healing.
- Understanding the Tree of Life, and how it is a map that unlocks your multidimensional nature.
- The four levels of consciousness, and how you can integrate and expand these natural capacities for healing and awakening.
MODULE TWO: We are Multidimensional Energy Beings!
What you will learn:
- The map of the 9 dimensional Human Energy System and how to use it for greater healing and wholeness.
- The secrets of the Caduceus - unpacking the laws of subtle energy and the toroidal energy field.
- Caduceus guided meditation for balancing and energizing body, mind and emotions.
- The Resonance Alchemy model of healing - integrating and unifying all dimensions and aspects of the Human Energy System.
MODULE THREE: Coherence and Flow
What you will learn:
- Energy coherence, and why it is so important.
- The RA Heart Field Coherence process to increase your energy coherence for greater flow, alignment, balance and ease in all areas of your life.
- Basic practices for dowsing the energy field with muscle testing or a pendulum.
- What is energy switching? Clearing energy switching and tuning all 9 dimensions of your energy field.
MODULE FOUR: Clearing negativity and increasing your light
- How to recognize and clear negative outside energies from your energy field.
- Refining your dowsing to get the answers you need.
- Increasing your Light Quotient and activating your Light Body - an easy but profound RA energy meditation for increasing your inner light.
- Unity field movements - a simple RA exercise for daily grounding, centering and connecting to your higher self.
- How to program crystals with the sacred syllables - how to use these to clear your home or environment of negative energies and create a sacred space.
- Golden Temple Audio Meditation (free mp3 audio download)
- Sacred Circle Meditation (free mp3 audio download)
Course Curriculum
StartIN THIS MODULE: What You Will Learn
StartHANDOUT: Module 1
StartVIDEO LESSON: Intro & Sacred Circle Meditation (18:19)
StartVIDEO LESSON: Sacred Syllables, Tree of Life & 4 Master Points (38:00)
StartVIDEO LESSON: Golden Temple Guided Meditation (40:11)
StartDiscussion and Q&A (recorded) (26:21)